AD-477 Bank Management

A one semester, 3 hours per week course dedicated to the basics of banking. This course is recommended to every "Business Administration" student who wants to understand how the "Banking System" operates, regardless of his/her major. In today's world everyone has to deal with a bank at the personal level. Most business majors will have to work with banks to conduct their businesses, as well. To be successful in dealing with banks in your future life, you should understand how banks operate, how they think, how they make decisions and what their values, strategies, principles and priorities are. Don't miss this chance to get familiar with banking terminology and concepts. 

Learn how to think, see, how to evaluate, decide and speak like a "Banker". Learn how to negotiate with banks when running your future businesses. Make the most out of your relationship with a bank. 

Don't miss this opportunity!

Register to AD-477 "Bank Management" course.

The grade is based on two midterms, a final and a project paper.

Each Student should complete a Student Information Form  with a photograph and submit it to the Instructor within 30 days following the first course day.

The course is taught by Bülent Þenver.

 Course Syllabus                                                                                                                           

ALUMNI- My Students - Where are they working now?

 CV of Instructor                                                                                                                           

 Reading Material

 Web Links

 Sample Questions

 Exam Dates

 Exam Grades

main | course syllabus | cv of instructor | reading material | links | sample questions | exam dates | exam grades

Questions? Comments? Please contact