Project Paper

    1. Each student has to prepare a "Project Paper" (PP).

    2. The PP topic is "Evaluating the Performance of ABC Bank"

    3. Each student should choose a different Bank for the PP. (see the approved bank list for the current semester before choosing your bank)

    4. You should obtain from the Bank 2 consecutive years English "Audited Annual Reports".

    5. You should make an interview with either the General Manager or one of the Deputy General Managers (Vice Presidents) of the bank, to receive answers to your questions on the Bank Performance.

    6. The ssuggested "CONTENT" of your PP may be as follows:

        a. Interview Evaluation Form (click here and print the form).

        b. General Background Information

        c. Banking Strategy and Mission Statement

        d. Financial Highlights

        e. Balance Sheets (TL, USD, %Mix)

        f. Statements of Income

        g. General Analysis of the Balaance Sheet, Sources and Uses of Funds

        h. Ratio Analysis

                    i. Capital Adequacy

                    ii. Asset Quality

                    iii. Earnings and Efficiency

                    iv. Liquidity

    7. SWOT Analysis

    8. Conclusion

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